Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Be anxious for nothing..."

Okay! You know what time it is?  It's time to dust the old blog off and write a post or two!  Since I seem to only be able to blog when a new child of ours is about to enter into this new world, now seemed as good a time as any to dust off those old writing skills.

The newest edition of our family is due to show up on Monday, October 19th.  At least, that's the date that all that fancy doctor equipment gave us.  If orneriousness is genetic and genetics have anything to do with it (and I'm fairly certain they do) then I am quite certain that she will not be born on that particular day.  A day or two before or maybe a day or two after, but not that day. And, if she hasn't shown up before Friday the 23rd, she will be forcefully ejected induced into this world.

It seems that the common sentiment expressed to us these days by folks is one of surprise that the baby hasn't come yet.  I think in some ways we're a bit surprised ourselves. I'm not sure why though.  Anica has a history of having early contractions, preterm labor and the like, and with every child we get convinced that she's going to go into labor way early. And, so far, with every single one of the pregnancies, we've been "surprised" when Anica has gone the distance and the babies have come pretty close to their due dates.

So this time I'm trying something new for me. I call it "be anxious for nothing"ness.  I've had to make a concentrated effort to just slow down and attempt to live a little bit in the "here and now" and not so much in the "Am I ever going to get to sleep through the night again?!?"  There's a lot going on in our lives, and we miss so much when we're constantly looking towards future events instead of enjoying what's happening to us right now.  Anica may never be this pregnant again, which means I have opportunities right now to show her love in ways that I may never be able to do again!  But I'd miss it if I start spending too much time worrying about tomorrow.  (Man! That almost sounded Biblical or something!)

Here's a picture of Anica and I comparing bellies:

Stay tuned for a birth story and baby pics and all that fun stuff!


Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to tell that baby that you're busy on the 23rd and to hurry up! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Both of you.
Chad, you're probably too humble to be proud of yourself so allow someone to be proud for you. Good job. Enjoy the blessings of your life and know that your post has blessed and encouraged it's readers. Thank you.

Beautiful Handmade said...

Woah - that's a big belly! You too, Anica!

Beautiful Handmade said...

October 19th is our little one's birthday!

Aubrey said...

Good call, friend. Awaiting news of New Little Girl Williams!!

Andrew in AL said...

I knew there should be a blog post any day now, and here it is. Yes, do enjoy these days, because when I see our baby now and how big she is already, I can't help wanting to hold a small one again.

Enjoy the calm.